
Have you bought a live King Crab from Norway King Crab and been given an ID number? Enter the number and receive unique tracking information about the crab you are about to eat.

Every single crab is checked and registered at arrival in our processing plant. Weight, catch location, time of catch and information about the fisherman is logged and the crab is tagged with a unique ID number and a QR code.

Do you want to see an example of the kind of information that is available for you about the crab? Use a QR reader or enter the tag code, 1004070, above:


Product tracking is an important element of our activity because this gives us 100% control of the product from the fisherman to the dish. Tracking is important for restaurants and consumers, it is important to us when it comes to internal control and it gives us facts and data for our research on optimizing the well-being of crabs and product quality.

At the same time, our tracking and QR tagging of all crabs gives us an important platform for communication with the consumer, and it makes it easy for consumers to communicate with us or the fisherman. The restaurant or the consumer may establish direct contact with those of the fishermen that operate fishing tourism and have their own website or facebook page.

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